Name: Becky
Occupation: Student/Occassional Auxiliary Nurse/ABA Therapist/Serial traveller/owner of itchy feet
Home Towm: Bangor, North Wales
Current Location: Bangor


Friday, April 25, 2008
More travelling!  
Today was my last official day in the hospital, although I'm considering sneaking back in to watch an autopsy and perhaps an afternoon in x-ray which I was told today is very interesting. It's been a fascinating four weeks, which I shall tell you all about at some point.

I'm now taking a break for a week to see some of the country, not entirely sure where I'm going to go, just wander and try to end up in Accra and then a coastal town on the way back to Cape Coast for a festival next weekend. Hopefully when I get to Accra I'll be able to put up some pics as the internet is faster there.

Generally everything is going well, I've been fairly healthy, my family are still great (especially now we've lost some of the annoying cousins!), and I've met some lovely people at work. Not totally sure what I'm going to be doing when I return, my project co-ordinator is meant to be calling to discuss with me tonight. Was very pleased to discover from some volunteers with Teaching Projects Abroad that there work has been just as disorganised as mine (they are doing exactly the samething as me, were dropped off at the hospital and left to their own devises) and paid twice as much as I did! The possibilities are going back to the hospital, doing an outreach educational project (what I was meant to be doing, but unsure of whether funding will be available), going to an orphanage, trying to find a clinic somewhere (preferably somewhere remnoteish) to work in, or maybe a bit of each. Whatever it will be interesting, and I'm quite looking forward to my holiday being over!

For those of you that don't know already, I'm having a visitor! Carl is going to be joining me in early June in Benin to travel around West Africa, which will be great. As much as I enjoy travelling by myself it's sometimes nice to have someone to look after my bag so I can sleep on long bus trips! Will post more details closer to the time.

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